The intention of this page is to combat any misinformation created by scammers and trolls that may exist on certain unofficial sites and sources such as social media pages. Please check this website for official news and information regarding John Fitzgerald Johnson aka Grand Master Jay and his legal defense.
Be Aware of Fake AI Generated GMJ interviews on Youtube...
Posted May 6, 2023
Be Wise As Serpents!
There are MANY Fake AI Generated YouTube interviews being Disseminated ALL OVER the internet since Grand Master Jay has became a political prisoner. When you come across The Slanderous One's Flag Them!
Grand Master Jay has complete control of your GoFundMe Donations to his Legal Defense Fund! Do not allow clout chasers to influence You Falsely and prevent you from donating to this most worthy cause!
I personally want you all to know that both Kaymoney @kaymoneyspokenword And @ TNTJAZZ Are faithful Supporters of Grand Master Jay! They are a dedicated part of his inner circle and are TRUSTED SOURCES for up to date information concerning Our Beloved Grand Master Jay.
Continue to Support Them All! Continue to Encourage One another to not grow weary as we remain faithful on this battle field for him until he is once again granted his freedom.
Grand Master Jay is aware of the Slanderous attacks against him and here are some powerful words directly from Grand Master Jay:

Posted Nov 28, 2022

Official BHH Social Media Campaign Pages:
The Official Grand Master Jay Legal Defense Fund:
Many scammers have attempted to misdirect funds from well-intentioned supporters wishing to help fund Grand Master Jay's ongoing legal fight.
These fraudsters have posted false websites and even created fake Go Fund Me accounts telling you to send donations there.
As we continue to combat these scammers by having their false content removed, we would like to officially advise you that there is only one legit fundraising effort for Grand Master Jay, and that is the Grand Master Jay Legal Defense Fund, hosted on Go Fund Me and organized by Eleanor Harvey.
DIRECT LINK: https://gofund.me/de443059
Thanks you for your continued support.
The following is a list of Social Media supporters and their platforms which are officially recognized and acknowledged by GMJ:
Kay Money Spoken Word (Youtube Influencer):
LINK TO YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/@kaymoneyspokenword7250/videos
TNT With Mike And Jazz (Youtube Influencers):
LINK TO YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/@tntwithmikeandjazz7157